Last night I was flipping through my sketchbook, trying to pick a page to work on, and I came upon this half done page. It was just a little collage that I’d made using an Architecture 101 assignment from when I was a TA (I kinda wish you could read it better- it’s pure craziness, but in a good way) and some images I’d cut out of some architecture magazine (both of which came from my paper stash that I talked about a few weeks ago.) It got me thinking about my major and what I got out of it and how it helps me in my day to day life. So I decided to keep working on it a little this morning.
A lot of times when I tell people that I majored in architecture and now am doing web design, they say something about that not being very related. And while the product is not always related, and the connection isn’t visible to others, my major definitely shaped the way I think.
The most important thing that I learned was a process. I can’t sum it up for you here because it took four years to sink into my brain, and I’m sure I didn’t even get the whole thing. But there’s definitely something there. Which is why today I had fun just drawing lines and making little spaces, and wondering whether I was drawing plans or sections. It wasn’t about up or down or what furniture goes where, but rather the spaces my lines were making on my page. And those little spaces in between.
What was (or is) your major in college? Do you use it now? I’d love to hear about it, I think it’s so interesting!